End User Training and Optimization (EUTOP) - Epic IN PERSON only
The Mass League is offering EHR specific provider trainings with the ultimate goal of reducing provider burden and improving your overall EHR experience. We are beginning with Epic training which will be provided by our Boston HealthNet colleagues. This training is open to all Epic CHCs regardless of ACO affiliation.
Please considering sending your Provider EPIC Champion. This person will be trained to work with the other providers at your center on how to make their EMR time a bit easier.
Please send only one provider per health center.
EUTOP provides training for clinicians on evidence-based EPIC use. The program is a train-the-trainer model with a mix of learning, discussion, and concrete build recommendations designed to meet specific CHC workflow needs.
2024 Training Topics include:
Effective In-Basket Management
Optimizing Chart Navigation, Ordering, & Note Writing
Developing Charting Standards
How to implement end-user training and measure success at your CHC
We will be soliciting topics for the next round of training in 2025
We have offered this training and received positive feedback from the providers at South Boston, Mattapan, Roslindale, Upham’s, East Boston, & BMC’s Family Medicine department
*This work is sponsored by the Mass League’s HCCN Grant
There are 6 identical trainings, please register for only one, all are IN PERSON only:
Monday, May 20th - Boston 40 Court St
Thursday, May 30th - Worcester 16 Brooks St
Thursday, June 13th - Boston 40 Court St.
Monday, June 17th - Worcester 16 Brooks St
Thursday, June 20th - Boston 40 Court St.
Monday June 24th- Worcester 16 Brooks St.
Boston: We recommend you take public transit to get here (a <15 minute walk from North and South Station and near Government Center, State Street and several other T-stops), but there is paid parking available in the Pi Alley Parking Garage, a block away from our offices.
Worcester: Ample free parking in our lot in front of the building.
Breakfast will be provided, please alert Em Burke (eburke@massleague.org) to any dietary restrictions after registration.